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Proposte e Soluzioni
  • Inspections and planning   ( 0 Articles )

    In presenza di pendici con potenziali pericoli di caduta massi, frane o valanghe, è di importanza fondamentale, per la stesura di un serio progetto di consolidamento, la raccolta dei dati inerenti alla situazione di fatto.

    Sulla base dei dati raccolti, mediante sopralluoghi, rilievi fotografici e planimetrici è possibile procedere alla definizione ed al dimensionamento degli idonei interventi di consolidamento da effettuare.

    When dealing with the danger of falling rocks, slides or avalanches, it is of outmost importance a detailed collection of accurate data.

    This is achieved thanks to a scrupulous physical inspection of the site followed by a rigorous photographic and planimetric survey in order to proceed with an accurate plan of action.

  • Reclamation and Demolitions   ( 0 Articles )

    La fase propedeutica ad ogni intervento di messa in sicurezza di pareti rocciose consta nella bonifica, demolizione ed eventuale abbattimento dei volumi rocciosi giacenti in condizioni di equilibrio precario o potenzialmente instabili.

    Questo tipo di “pulizia” può essere eseguita a seconda dei casi mediante l’utilizzo di leve manuali, attrezzature idrauliche, agenti chimici non esplodenti o con l’utilizzo di materiale esplosivo.

    The introductory phase in any type of operation involving  rocky surfaces is the demolition and removal of boulders and rocks laying in precarious position and potentially unstable.

    This type of  “cleaning” can be performed either by mean of manual lever, hydraulic equipment, non-explosive chemicals and of course explosives.

  • Metallic Nets and Panels   ( 0 Articles )

    In presenza di pendici con potenziali pericoli di caduta massi, frane o valanghe, è di importanza fondamentale, per la stesura di un serio progetto di consolidamento, la raccolta dei dati inerenti alla situazione di fatto.

    Sulla base dei dati raccolti, mediante sopralluoghi, rilievi fotografici e planimetrici è possibile procedere alla definizione ed al dimensionamento degli idonei interventi di consolidamento da effettuare.

    In instances when rocky surfaces and slopes lack the necessary cohesion force it is recommended to perform active consolidation by applying frame-works of metallic net and metallic panels in order to restore compactness to the surface.

    This type of solution is widely used in a variety of environmental situations where rocky surfaces are present. Such kind of work guarantees the control of rocky material of different sizes: from small to medium to large.

    The same technique is also recommended when dealing with loose terrains, to be performed prior the positioning of natural mats that will allow grass growth by means of naturalistic engineering.


    Positioning metallic nets - 1st step

    Positioning metallic nets - 2nd step

    Positioning metallic nets - 3rd step

    Metallic nets - Junction

    Metallic nets

    Square mesh panel

    Panel rings

    Positioning panels

  • Boulders & Avalanches Protection Systems   ( 0 Articles )

    In presenza di pendici con potenziali pericoli di caduta massi, frane o valanghe, è di importanza fondamentale, per la stesura di un serio progetto di consolidamento, la raccolta dei dati inerenti alla situazione di fatto.

    Sulla base dei dati raccolti, mediante sopralluoghi, rilievi fotografici e planimetrici è possibile procedere alla definizione ed al dimensionamento degli idonei interventi di consolidamento da effettuare.

    In areas with a high probability of avalanches and rock fall situations, passive defense systems are employed.

    These high energy absorption prevention structures can be of two kinds: an elastic net of metallic ropes or a barrier of rigid cables covered by a metallic frame-work net. Both systems are easily assembled and can be transported by helicopter if needed.



    Rockfall barrier 750kJ

    Rockfall barrier 2000kJ

    Avalanches protection system

    Avalanches protection system - Umbrella type

    Rigid rockfall barrier - Planimetry

    Rigid rockfall barrier - Section

    Rigid rockfall barrier - Details

  • Perforations and Steel Bars   ( 0 Articles )

    The natural detachment of rocky plates and the consequent landslide can be avoided by transferring gravitational tension over to steel bars and steel strands inserted into holes previously created by special drilling machines that can easily reach the substrate of the terrain where the necessary cohesion is found.

    Once insertion is completed,  a mixture of water, cement and additives is poured inside the holes guaranteeing solidification.


    Steel bar

    Steel rope - Unprotected

    Steel rope - Protected

    Steel bar/rope on slope

    Steel bar/rope on top

    Special steel bar

    Steel bar dywidag diam. 26.5

    Bandage of rock boulder

  • Bioengineering   ( 0 Articles )

    The hydro geological adjustment in mountain areas is the sector where a hundred years ago the traditional use of some techniques of slopes adjustment through the use of logs, stones, live twigs, etc. was born. Those techniques have subsequently developed thanks to the availability of new materials and technologies (adhesive polymers for hydro seeding, geosynthetics, etc..) which enabled to reach the nowadays widespread application of bioengineering.

    Not secondary in this process is the increasing environmental awareness at all levels, both technical/administrative and social/political.

    The major practiced bioengineering techniques are:

    - Seeding, hydro seeding and plantations setting;

    - Organic and synthetic mats, sometimes combined with networks;

    - live wickers and steps;

    - live logs stockades and gratings;

    - Palisades;

    - Grid constructions;

    - Wooden and stone bridles;

    - Revived gabions and mattresses;

    - Green reinforced soil;

    - Avalanches and rockfall barriers through embankment revegetation with grass and shrub species.



    Gabions and mattresse revived

    Gabions - Section


    Double palisade mt.1.5

    Double palisade mt.2.0

    Palisade revived

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